Scar Treatment

Scar Treatment*

According to Traditional Chinese and German Biological Medicine, scars can block energy flow and create neurological ‘reflexing’ to other areas in the body. Scars can prevent nutrition from working effectively, slow blood and lymphflow. Clinical experience and using thermal imaging has shown this to be true.


There are various methods of treating scars ranging from acupuncture to neural therapy injections, however the quickest, safest and least expensive method is:
  1. Apply a small amount of NewGel+ e gel or Physician-Formulated Silicone Scar Gel (made by HealFast) to the scar, rubbing in well. Either product will work well with the same benefit. Available on Amazon. Another option is Scar Organic essential oil/homeopathic drops by Forces of Nature. This is available on my website pharmacy at 20% off.
  2. Next, use cold laser therapy over the scar for 3-5 minutes. Simply place the laser directly on the scar. For long scars, you may want to either hold the laser in one spot of the scar for 1 minute, then each successive minute move the laser another spot until the entire scar has been treated.
Do this once a day for at least 10 days. Some very thick or keloid-type scars can require up to 30 days (example: scars from open heart surgery, c-section, hip replacements, multiple internal trauma with hardware like screws/pins/rods, etc).


  1. Never treat more than 2-3 scars at a time. The download of toxins and energy flow can be a lot for some people to handle.
  2. Don’t rush the process. You may or may not notice visible change. Either way, you’ll be correcting subtle energy blockages.
Note: The laser can be any visible red low-level laser (630-685nm) that makes a small dot on the wall when you point it (collimated beam). Power should range anywhere from 5 mw to 30mw. Higher power is not needed. DO NOT point in the eyes. It is also NOT recommended to use on scars close to the eyes. Can be purchased online inexpensively. Circulation, 2001; 103: 296-301. Burns. June 2004. Vol 30, issue 4: 362-367. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. Feb 2005, 23(1): 70-73. Journal of Lasers in Medical Science. 2010. Vol. 1, No 1.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.